Sunday, January 31, 2010

18 Weeks

Well, it's that time again for some new pictures :) I feel as if I am finally starting to show a bit to the public! Some teachers at school have started to notice a little bump, which makes me excited! I know I'm crazy, who wants to get bigger right, but it's exciting when others start to notice a difference! Here is one of me, before heading to church at 17 weeks, I just look a little thicker....

And now for the 18 week pictures....Nate and I got a really nice new camera on our Walmart shopping spree, and are still experimenting with it, hoping we have it figured out in time for Baby Chucta :) So bear with us on some of the pictures as we figure out the lighting and shadows and whatnot...

We go tomorrow for our ultrasound appointment!!! Ahh we are so excited, but will be happy when it's over so we aren't tempted to find out anymore :) It's a great feeling though to see that little human being up there on the ultrasound screen, it really does take your breath away. Hopefully our doctor's office is still open with the recent ice/snow storm we got down here this weekend. Friday night into Saturday morning we got about an inch of nasty snow and sleet. Let me tell you what, the people down here DO NOT know how to handle it...Nate and I laugh because in Michigan it's such a normal every day occcurance, but down here it's a crisis! The stores are all out of everything...that is if they are open. It is already predicted we will have at least a 2 hour delay tomorrow if not closed for the whole day. They just don't have the resources down ehre to deal with it, I'm not complaining one bit :) Well...except for the fact that I'm ready for spring :)

We also have more good news, my sister booked her plane ticket to come down and visit! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! She is planning on coming in and helping out in my classroom and I plan to take a few half days so we can get a little more extra time to hang out and who knows maybe go shopping to spoil little Baby Chucta:) Whatever we decide to do, I know it will be a good time, and we will enjoy her company. We hope you all have a great week, and we will update you soon with ultrasound pictures and news from the doctor :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Blues

It's always a bummer how fast the weekend goes! Nate and I had a relaxing weekend , but are not ready for the week work to start. I had a short week last week, and the kids only had school for 2 days, which means this week is going to seem really long! Also we are excited for our next appointment on February 1st, so that might make it drag on ......

We get another ultrasound, this time around it's called the gender ultrasound, because of the fact that we can find out the sex, but we're still holding out strong and going to wait until little Baby Chucta makes its way into the world to find out if it's a boy or a girl. Both Nate and I have a feeling it's a girl, but with no hard evidence :) Although Nate does claim he's 95% sure. Nate also has had a grand idea, where he wants to start a pool of who can guess the sex and weight, $3, winner takes all. Haha he would :)

This week especially, we have been wishing we were closer to home, to be with my family, especially my sister, but I know it will happen soon enough! We are thinking about you and praying lots though, you're a strong girl, and we love you mucho!  We hope everyone had a good weekend, and we will update next weekend with the 18 week belly pictures :) Love you all! Have a great week!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

16 Weeks

Hey All! As I promised to my sister, you will get new belly pics at least every 2 weeks :) So here it is, 16 Weeks!

I can't believe how fast time flies, it's crazy to think that soon we will be half way there! We're ready :) Haha...can you ever really be ready for a little one? We'll see:)

Still no word from Central....We're crossing our fingers hoping to hear soon and be close to family. We know though that it will all work out exactly how it's suppose to, so we aren't too worried. On the other side, we have got a few exciting pieces of news within the last 2 weeks. We just found out that my Uncle Rich and Aunt Susan will be having another baby and are due only a week and a half after us! We are excited little Baby Chucta will have a cousin so close in age! We also welcomed a new nephew into the family on the 4th of January, as Nate's sister, Laura , and his brother-in-law, Nathan, had their third boy!!! Lots of babies in the family, YAYYY!!!!

Well, it's time to get on with our Saturday errands. I look forward to a nice long weekend with a break from school on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and then teacher workdays on both Tuesday and Wednesday! It is a great little break to get caught back up and things organized at both the house and in my classroom. Have a wonderful weekend! Love to all :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hey All! It's been a busy few weeks with school starting back up after the long Christmas break, but my kids have been wondeful and it has been nice to get back into the ole routine :) I truly am blessed to have such a great group of kids this year, it makes getting up in the morning a lot easier!

We do have some good news, Nate heard from Central, and is being considered as an alternate as of now....which is great because he's still in the running for a spot in the PA program. Yay! We ready to be closer to family that's for sure, especially with the addition coming soon.

Things with the pregnancy have been going extremely well, it's almost too good to be true. Still no sickness, and I've only gained about 4-5 pounds. Nate and I are starting to notice a difference in my belly, but it still isn't too noticeable to the outside eye :) We will take another picture this week as I end my 15th week, so check back for updates! Love you all, take care!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

The family :)

Hey Guys! Well we're definitely new to this whole blogging thing, but thought what the heck it's a new year let's give it a try! As most of you know, Nate and I are still down in North Carolina where I teach and Nate is an analytical chemist. We love the warm weather,  but are ready to be back up in cold Michigan with family and friends :) Maybe this year....

Nate & Me back home in Reed City

We had a wonderful Christmas break back home, filled with lots of family, friends, and food. Once again, we got spoiled rotten by everyone, even Baby Chucta, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when he/she is born! Nate and I also had a great start to the new year with lots of snuggles and kisses! It's hard to believe how different things will be at this time next year with Baby Chucta in the picture! Nate and I are so excited with the new addition coming in July...ahhhh!!!!

Saladin Christmas

Things still haven't changed a whole lot with me and the pregnancy. I've been feeling great and my pants are only a bit too tight :) Nothing a bella band won't cure! Those things are amazing! They let me wear all my old pants I just don't have to button them now, good thing because they aren't even close to buttoning! I just finished my 14th week, and am in the second trimester, it's crazy how fast time flies! It feels like just yesterday I was peeing on the little stick (4 times might I add) revealing the plus sign :) We go back to our doctors on February 1st for another ultrasound, where we can find out the sex of little baby chucta..... As of now we are still sticking strong to waiting for the surprise...we'll see if Nate can hold out!

It's Postive!!!! :)

14 Weeks

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and Happy New Year! Lots of love to all of our long distance friends and family!