Friday also marked the half way point in our pregnancy, 20 weeks! I can't believe how fast it is going, very exciting and a little bit scary all at the same time. Hopefully we find out about Nate's school soon so we can start planning the near future. Everyone at school said my belly has finally "popped", it's no longer just a food baby, it's here to stay for a little while :) All and all it's been exciting changes, I've gained about 9 pounds, but haven't really noticed it in too many places it shouldn't be...This week also marked an exciting turning point, I felt the little one kick:) It's not been as frequent as I would like, but everytime it happens I have to wake up Nate and share the good news with him, it's such an amazing feeling, I absolutely love it! Things are progressing along just as they should, we are very blessed with this pregnancy.
Also this week, we found out one of my first graders has a heart condition and is in intensive care unit at the hospital. Her heart has doubled in size...the doctors are hopeful that the medicine treatment will bring it back down to normal size, but at this point there are still a lot of unanswered questions. My assistant and I went to the hospital to visit and she was very excited and in good spirits. The kids are all very concerned about their friend and have writtten lots of get well notes and cards. I will be making a trip back to the hospital tomorrow to deliver her valentines, which I know will bring a smile to her face. Please keep De'Asia in your prayers.
Other than that, Nate and I have been celebrating Valentines Day all weekend, with movies, going out to dinner, making dinner, and lots of snuggle time :) I truly do have an amazing husband, that is going to make a wonderful Daddy! Hopefully soon we will be closer to home, so we can spend more time with those we love, we are thinking about you all and hope you have a great week! Happy Valentines Day :)