Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Hey Everyone! Hope you all are having a fantastic long weekend! I know Nate sure is excited about sleeping in tomorrow and getting ready for our move on Tuesday. I, unfornately have to work...crazy I know...but that was the day they assigned for our make up snow day. My guess is attendence will be very low, thankfully it's only a half day so I can't complain too much :) Only 8 more days of school left, 2 of which are half days, it's amazing to me how fast this school year has went compared to last year. I have had a wondeful group of kids along with a fabulous assistant, I'm sure both of those things have helped :)

Things around here have been busy and are about to get even more busy.....We can start moving in to our new place on Tuesday. But we don't plan on having everything moved in until Sunday(the 6th), because Nate is going to paint first. I am SOOOOO excited to have something other than white on our walls! We are sticking with neutral tones, tans and light browns, for the livingroom, baby's room, and our bedroom. I am going to help when I can, but unfortunately Nate is going to have to do most of the brute work....he hasn't complained once thus far! I'm so lucky to have such a wondeful husband :)

On the baby news....We want to start by saying a huge thank you to Nate's family and to my work. Both baby showers were so great, we are very blessed :) We got some really nice things, including a swing/seat, toys, clothes (girl & boy), and some essentials like diapers and wipes. We are very thankful and can't wait to bring Baby Chucta into such a loving family. I have found that it's so much more fun opening presents for the little one than it is getting presents myself...all that teeny tiny stuff is just too cute!

gdipaers (they come in so many cute colors and patterns also!)

3 in 1 bassinet for our room

We also received some money and gift cards, and have been able to get great stuff that we need. We purchased the glider and ottoman for the baby's room, and have just recently ordered his/her gdiapers and bassinet. Nate and I are going to try the cloth diapers and see how they go...we are excited to hopefully save a little money and it's so much better for the earth! We'll see how it goes :) They are sooooooo cute and practical, let's hope they work as well. The neat thing about them is you can insert a disposable (that is flushable) or a cloth insert, so when we're traveling we plan on using the disposable and when we're home we'll use cloth. We just ordered the smalls to start with and to make sure that we like them before ordering bigger sizes. If we find we like them we will definitely need more cloth inserts and little gpants. Cross your fingers!

We have started going to the doctor every week now since I am 35 weeks. At our last appointment on the 28th, the doctor said that the baby has already dropped and is getting ready for it's big appearance :) It's funny that neither Nate nor I realized it, but there were a few people at work that said my belly looked different lately and asked if I had dropped. I did notice though that my heartburn has lessened, which is a nice feeling! Since the baby was so low, the doctor couldn't get measurements so next Friday we have an ultrasound to make sure he/she is growing on target. My guess if anything is he/she's run on the Chucta side...with Nate being 9 lbs 8 oz and 23 1/2 inches long! That's like 2 foot long subs! I am excited to see the little one again, I love the ultrasounds :) We will make sure to videotape again to share in the excitement. It is going to be tempting to find out the sex, but we've made it this long we can wait a few more weeks!

I will leave you with some updated pictures of the baby bump...enjoy and have a great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to me :)

Hey Guys:) I wanted to first say thank you so much for all the birthday cards and wishes, you are all so sweet! Nate and I have had a wonderful, relaxing day, filled with cake and ice cream :) It doesn't get much better than that!

We have had a fun filled weekend as well. Nate surprised me with a pedicure/manicure with my good friend Laura yesterday.....although it didn't quite work out as expected for Saturday, we will be definitely going sometime this week to take Nate up on his gift:) We went shopping instead and I found lots of cute clothes that I can actually wear now, with this growing belly! Skirts and dresses are my favorite things, they don't constrict my tummy :) We are also very excited we ordered our crib and mattress, along with the dresser/changing's definitely getting closer and feels more real :) Ahhhh I am soooo excited!

Our doctors appointment went really well on Friday, the doctor said everything looked great. The baby was growing well and my blood pressure, weight, and everything was right on target. That's always good to hear! The heartrate was in the 140s....that's the lowest it's been yet. Every other time it has been in the high 150s and 160s. I did notice this time though Baby Chucta wasn't very active...I think little he/she was taking a nap :) We now will be going back every two weeks. I try to schedule our appointments on Friday because I get out of work at 2:30 (Or I should say I can get out at that time....usually it doesn't happen:)) So we go back May 14th, and I will be 33 weeks then! Wow time goes by fast! We hope you all have a great week, and we look forward to having my parents down visiting next weekend! YAY :) Love you all!